Showing posts with label #privateguide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #privateguide. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2024








Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) is one of the most influential sculptors in the history of art.

Known for his expressive and powerful works such as The Thinker and The Kiss, Rodin revolutionized sculpture by moving away from academic conventions to embrace a more natural and emotional approach.

Among his many sculpted portraits, the busts of Balzac and Dumas stand out for their intensity and depth.

For Balzac, Rodin extensively studied the writings, portraits, and descriptions of the famous writer. The result is a bust that captures not only the physical features but also the creative energy and tumultuous soul of the author of The Human Comedy.


Sculpture of Balzac made by Rodin

As for Alexandre Dumas fils, Rodin created a bust of elegance and vitality that reflect the spirit of the writer.

These works are a testament to Rodin's genius in his ability to breathe life into marble or bronze, making each sculpture vibrant and eternal.


Rodin / Bourdelle: Body to body

From October 2, 2024 to February 2, 2025 at the Bourdelle Museum

Photo : Nicolas Borel

This exhibition at the Bourdelle Museum brings together sculpted works by Auguste Rodin and his student Antoine Bourdelle.





ENERO 2025




Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) es uno de los escultores más influyentes de la historia del arte.

Conocido por sus obras expresivas y poderosas como El pensador y El beso, Rodin revolucionó la escultura al alejarse de las convenciones académicas para adoptar un enfoque más natural y emocional.

Entre sus numerosos retratos esculpidos destacan por su intensidad y profundidad los bustos de Balzac y Dumas.

Para Balzac, Rodin estudió exhaustivamente los escritos, retratos y descripciones del célebre escritor. El resultado es un busto que captura no sólo los rasgos físicos sino también la energía creativa y el alma tumultuosa del autor de The Human Comedy.


Escultura de Balzac realizada por Rodin

En cuanto a Alexandre Dumas hijo, Rodin creó un busto de elegancia y vitalidad que refleja el espíritu del escritor.

Estas obras demuestran el genio de Rodin en su capacidad para dar vida al mármol o al bronce, haciendo que cada escultura sea vibrante y eterna.


Rodin / Bourdelle : Pelea confusa

Del 2 de octubre de 2024 al 2 de febrero de 2025 en el Museo Bourdelle

Foto : Nicolas Borel

Esta exposición en el Museo Bourdelle reúne obras escultóricas de Auguste Rodin y su alumno Antoine Bourdelle.


Tuesday, December 3, 2024








This month, Sandy Tours invites you to immerse yourself in the life of the famous painter Gustave Caillebotte.

Gustave Caillebotte (1848-1894), was a French painter, patron and collector.

Although associated with the Impressionism movement, his style oscillates between realism and impressionism, which makes him unique.

Unlike some of his contemporaries like Monet or Renoir, he used precise lines and very structured geometric compositions.

Caillebotte was also passionate about art and a great support for his impressionist friends.


He purchased many works by Monet, Renoir, Degas, and many others, allowing these artists to make a living from their art.

After his death, he bequeathed a large part of his collection to the French state, helping to popularize the Impressionism movement.

Some of his works are visible at the Musée d'Orsay, as well as in his preserved residence in Yerres.

Sandy Tours offers to make you discover the painter's universe during a day in a private minivan.


Caillebotte: Painting Men

From October 8, 2024 to January 19, 2025 at the Musée d'Orsay

This exhibition at the Musée d'Orsay focuses its main attention on the men that the painter Gustave Caillebotte painted regularly throughout his life.

You will discover, in preview, the few works that illustrate the exhibition in this video. 📹









Este mes, Sandy Tours te invita a sumergirte en la vida del famoso pintor Gustave Caillebotte.

Gustave Caillebotte (1848-1894), fue un pintor, mecenas y coleccionista francés.

Aunque asociado con el movimiento Impresionismo, su estilo oscila entre el realismo y el impresionismo, lo que lo hace único.

A diferencia de algunos de sus contemporáneos como Monet o Renoir, utilizó líneas precisas y composiciones geométricas muy estructuradas.

Caillebotte también era un apasionado del arte y apoyaba mucho a sus amigos impresionistas.


Compró numerosas obras de Monet, Renoir, Degas y muchos otros, lo que permitió a estos artistas ganarse la vida con su arte.

Después de su muerte, legó gran parte de su colección al Estado francés, contribuyendo a popularizar el movimiento impresionista.

Algunas de sus obras son visibles en el Museo de Orsay, así como en su residencia conservada en Yerres.

Sandy Tours se ofrece a ayudarle a descubrir el mundo del pintor durante un día en una minivan privada.


Caillebotte: Pintando hombres

Del 8 de octubre de 2024 al 19 de enero de 2025 en el Museo de Orsay

Esta exposición en el Museo de Orsay centra su atención principal en los hombres que el pintor Gustave Caillebotte pintó habitualmente a lo largo de su vida.

Descubrirá, en avance, las pocas obras que ilustran la exposición en este vídeo. 📹


Thursday, September 5, 2024








This September, Sandy Tours wants you to (re)discover the famous artist Pablo Picasso.

Pablo Picasso, one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, is famous for revolutionizing art with styles such as cubism, surrealism and his constant exploration of forms and techniques.

Born in Spain in 1881, he spent much of his life in France. His career was incredibly prolific, spanning painting, sculpture, ceramics, drawing and more.

His work is often divided into periods, such as the Blue Period, the Rose Period and of course the invention of Cubism with Georges Braque. Works like Guernica and Les Demoiselles d'Avignon are iconic masterpieces that changed the history of art.


And it is at the Picasso Museum in Paris that you can discover his legacy

Located in the Marais district, in the Hôtel Salé, a magnificent 17th-century mansion, the museum opened its doors in 1985. It has one of the largest collections of Picasso's works in the world, with more than 5,000 pieces including paintings, sculptures, drawings, ceramics, and even personal objects of the artist.

The museum traces Picasso's artistic evolution, from his early works to his later experiments. It also presents temporary exhibitions around Picasso or artists with a link to him. In addition to his personal work, the museum contains works by other great artists that Picasso collected, such as Matisse, Cézanne or Braque.



From February 9, 2024 to January 5, 2025 at the Atelier des Lumières

An immersive exhibition on Ancient Egypt during a period when Egypt went through several important dynasties.
From the construction of the Pyramid of Giza, to the great Pharaoh Ramses II, through new temples, Ancient Egypt will no longer hold any secrets for you!









En ce mois de Septembre, Sandy Tours souhaite vous faire (re)découvrir le célèbre artiste Pablo Picasso.

Pablo Picasso, l'un des artistes les plus influents du 20e siècle, est célèbre pour avoir révolutionné l'art avec des styles comme le cubisme, le surréalisme et son exploration constante des formes et des techniques.

Né en Espagne en 1881, il a passé une grande partie de sa vie en France. Sa carrière a été incroyablement prolifique, couvrant la peinture, la sculpture, la céramique, le dessin et plus encore.

Son œuvre est souvent divisée en périodes, comme la Période Bleue, la Période Rose et bien sûr l'invention du cubisme avec Georges Braque. Des œuvres comme Guernica et Les Demoiselles d'Avignon sont des chefs-d'œuvre emblématiques qui ont changé l'histoire de l'art.



Et c'est au Musée Picasso à Paris que vous pouvez découvrir son héritage.

Situé dans le quartier du Marais, dans l'hôtel Salé, un magnifique hôtel particulier du 17e siècle, le musée a ouvert ses portes en 1985. Il possède l'une des plus grandes collections au mondes d'œuvres de Picasso, avec plus de 5 000 pièces incluant peintures, sculptures, dessins, céramiques, et mêmes des objets personnels de l'artiste.

Le musée retrace l'évolution artistique de Picasso, depuis ses premières œuvres jusqu'à ses expérimentations tardives. Il présente également des expositions temporaires autour de Picasso ou d'artiste ayant un lien avec lui.

En plus de son travail personnel, le musée contient des œuvres d'autres grands artistes que Picasso a collectionnées, comme Matisse, Cézanne ou Braque.



Du 09 Février 2024 au 05 Janvier 2025 à l'Atelier des Lumières

Une exposition immersive sur l'Égypte Antique pendant une période où l'Égypte a traversé plusieurs dynasties importantes.
De la construction de la Pyramide de Gizeh, au grand Pharaon Ramsès II, en passant par de nouveaux temples, l'Égypte ancienne n'aura plus aucun secret pour vous !