Showing posts with label #France & Paris Private Guided Tours blogspot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #France & Paris Private Guided Tours blogspot. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 4, 2025








Claude Monet, an emblematic figure of Impressionism, is a French painter born in 1840 and known for his ability to capture light and emotions in his works.

In 1872, he painted Impression, Sunrise, a painting that would become legendary.

Depicting the port of Le Havre at sunrise, with the sun bathing the scene in a soft orange light, this painting is both simple and powerful.

What is striking is the misty atmosphere and the way in which the quickly applied brushstrokes suggest more than they describe. This innovative style gave its name to the Impressionist movement, thanks to an ironic critique of the time.

Yet this work marks a revolution in art, emphasizing fleeting impressions and the beauty of the present moment.


Trompe-l’oeil, from 1520 to the present day

From October 17, 2024 to March 2, 2025 at the Marmottan Monet Museum (Paris)

The Tear of Henri Cadiou

This exhibition explores the history of the representation of reality in the arts and highlights a little-known facet of the museum's collections, while paying tribute to Jules and Paul Marmottan's interest in this pictorial genre.









Claude Monet, figure emblématique de l'impressionnisme, est un peintre français né en 1840 et connu pour sa capacité à capturer la lumière et les émotions dans ses œuvres.

En 1872, il peint Impression, soleil levant, un tableau qui deviendra mythique.

Représentant le port du Havre au lever du jour, avec le soleil baignant la scène dans une douce lumière orangée, ce tableau est à la fois simple et puissant. 

Ce qui frappe, c'est l'atmosphère brumeuse et la manière dont les touches de peinture, posées rapidement, suggèrent plus qu'elles ne décrivent. Ce style novateur a donné son nom au mouvement impressionniste, grâce à une critique ironique de l'époque.

Pourtant, cette oeuvre marque une révolution dans l'art, mettant l'accent sur les impressions fugitives et la beauté de l'instant présent.


Le trompe-l'oeil, de 1520 à nos jours

Du 17 Octobre 2024 au 02 Mars 2025 au Musée Marmottan Monet (Paris)

La déchirure d'Henri Cadiou

Cette exposition explore l'histoire de la représentation de la réalité dans les arts et met en lumière une facette méconnue des collections du musée, tout en rendant hommage à l'intérêt de Jules et Paul Marmottan pour ce genre pictural.









Claude Monet, figura icónica del impresionismo, es un pintor francés nacido en 1840 y conocido por su capacidad para capturar la luz y las emociones en sus obras.

En 1872 pintó Impresión, sol naciente, cuadro que se convertiría en legendario.

Representando el puerto de Le Havre al amanecer, con el sol bañando la escena con una suave luz anaranjada, esta pintura es a la vez simple y poderosa.

Lo que llama la atención es la atmósfera brumosa y la forma en que los toques de pintura, aplicados rápidamente, sugieren más de lo que describen. Este estilo innovador dio nombre al movimiento impresionista, gracias a una crítica irónica de la época.

Sin embargo, esta obra marca una revolución en el arte, enfatizando las impresiones fugaces y la belleza del momento presente.


Trampantojo, desde 1520 hasta nuestros días

Del 17 de octubre de 2024 al 2 de marzo de 2025 en el Museo Marmottan Monet (París)

La lágrima de Henri Cadiou

Esta exposición explora la historia de la representación de la realidad en las artes y destaca una faceta poco conocida de las colecciones del museo, al tiempo que rinde homenaje al interés de Jules y Paul Marmottan por este género pictórico.


Tuesday, December 3, 2024








This month, Sandy Tours invites you to immerse yourself in the life of the famous painter Gustave Caillebotte.

Gustave Caillebotte (1848-1894), was a French painter, patron and collector.

Although associated with the Impressionism movement, his style oscillates between realism and impressionism, which makes him unique.

Unlike some of his contemporaries like Monet or Renoir, he used precise lines and very structured geometric compositions.

Caillebotte was also passionate about art and a great support for his impressionist friends.


He purchased many works by Monet, Renoir, Degas, and many others, allowing these artists to make a living from their art.

After his death, he bequeathed a large part of his collection to the French state, helping to popularize the Impressionism movement.

Some of his works are visible at the Musée d'Orsay, as well as in his preserved residence in Yerres.

Sandy Tours offers to make you discover the painter's universe during a day in a private minivan.


Caillebotte: Painting Men

From October 8, 2024 to January 19, 2025 at the Musée d'Orsay

This exhibition at the Musée d'Orsay focuses its main attention on the men that the painter Gustave Caillebotte painted regularly throughout his life.

You will discover, in preview, the few works that illustrate the exhibition in this video. 📹









Este mes, Sandy Tours te invita a sumergirte en la vida del famoso pintor Gustave Caillebotte.

Gustave Caillebotte (1848-1894), fue un pintor, mecenas y coleccionista francés.

Aunque asociado con el movimiento Impresionismo, su estilo oscila entre el realismo y el impresionismo, lo que lo hace único.

A diferencia de algunos de sus contemporáneos como Monet o Renoir, utilizó líneas precisas y composiciones geométricas muy estructuradas.

Caillebotte también era un apasionado del arte y apoyaba mucho a sus amigos impresionistas.


Compró numerosas obras de Monet, Renoir, Degas y muchos otros, lo que permitió a estos artistas ganarse la vida con su arte.

Después de su muerte, legó gran parte de su colección al Estado francés, contribuyendo a popularizar el movimiento impresionista.

Algunas de sus obras son visibles en el Museo de Orsay, así como en su residencia conservada en Yerres.

Sandy Tours se ofrece a ayudarle a descubrir el mundo del pintor durante un día en una minivan privada.


Caillebotte: Pintando hombres

Del 8 de octubre de 2024 al 19 de enero de 2025 en el Museo de Orsay

Esta exposición en el Museo de Orsay centra su atención principal en los hombres que el pintor Gustave Caillebotte pintó habitualmente a lo largo de su vida.

Descubrirá, en avance, las pocas obras que ilustran la exposición en este vídeo. 📹


Thursday, October 31, 2024








The Château de Cheverny, located in the Loire Valley in France, is a perfect example of classical French architecture.

Built in the 17th century, it is distinguished by its elegant white stone façade, typical of this period, which gives it a majestic and luminous appearance.

This Château is still inhabited today by the descendants of the Hurault family, who have built and maintained it for generations.



In addition to its sumptuous interior, Cheverny is also famous for its magnificent gardens and its wooded park, which includes a charming orangery.

There is also a pack of hunting dogs, which recalls the tradition of hunting, dear to the former owners.

Cheverny is also known for having inspired Hergé for the Château de Moulinsart in Tintin!


Tintin, the secrets of Moulinsart

Permanent exhibition at the Château de Cheverny

Dive into the heart of the Château de Moulinsart by following in the footsteps of Tintin and his faithful adventure companions.
An exhibition for young and old where you can immerse yourself in the settings of the famous comic strip.


Thursday, November 30, 2023

Paris by night








In December, Paris gets lights up for the end-of-year celebrations.

The trees of the Champs Élysées are decorated with thousands of small golden, red, blue lights, etc. depending on the year.

The famous windows of the Layafette Galleries have taken place and delight young and old with their characters, lights and decorations.



Paris illuminated at night also means rediscovering the monuments, seeing them differently.

"Voir la nuit qui s'étoile et Paris qui s'allume" -François Coppée (“See the night sparkling with stars and Paris lighting up”)



The exhibition is presented at the Petit Palais from September 12, 2023 to January 14, 2024.

 The Petit Palais highlights its graphic arts department with a selection of great masters of printmaking, from Dürer to Toulouse-Lautrec.