Showing posts with label Fontainebleau blogspot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fontainebleau blogspot. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19, 2022

The MOLIERE Year with VAUX LE VICOMTE Castle - Ile de France Private Guided Tours




19 juin 2022

edition 2022, Number 59



Come to the castle of the protector of Moliere: Vaux Le Vicomte


In PARIS we can admire his statue behind the theater of the French Comedy the sculpture of MOLIERE alias Jean Baptiste POQUELIN


Enjoy culture & adventure in FRANCE


We can include this castle with Fontainebleau as well as Barbizon, the village of painters in the 19th century




We can make the visit of Napoleon Apartments in FONTAINEBLEAU Castle





In the village of Barbizon, many painters came to inspire with the Nature



It is possible to visit the studio of Jean-François MILLET







Don’t hesitate to ask information for customized services

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Ile de France private guided tours blog with Fouquet, Napoleon & Picasso !!



3 avril 2019
Γ‰dition 2019, NumΓ‰ro 23

Welcome in France
Sandy Tours


What do we do in April?& what is the meaning of
“En Avril, ne te dΓ©couvre pas d’un fil”It is a set phrase, which means 'not to remove a thread from their garments', the idea being not to dress less warmly because one believes spring time has comeDespite the fresh weather, it is still very nice & you can do many activities in the city!

We suggest you a nice private walking tour in a quarter of Paris called “Le Marais”.Picasso museum is one of the nice museum you can visit : the building “HΓ΄tel SalΓ©” & presenting till august 25th an exhibition with Calder-Picasso.


It’s also possible to do a walking guided tour in Paris about NapolΓ©on 1st.

 Phone :  01 70 39 26 62

Mobile :  06 73 14 69 06

Fax : 01 42 11 07 51

Don’t hesitate to ask us for a customized tour and it will be a pleasure to answer you.

« La Maison de L’Empereur.
Servir et magnifier
NapolΓ©on 1er »

Du 13 Avril 2019 au 15 Juillet 2019 au ChΓ’teau de Fontainebleau.

« House of the Emperor.
Serve et magnify
NapolΓ©on 1st
April 13, 2019 July 15, 2019, to the castle of Fontainebleau.

NapolΓ©on 1er & JosΓ©phine
Every year, Fontainebleau reconstitutes during 2 days a moment of the castle with association of history passionate.
It was last saturday 20th & sunday 21th of April 2019. 
We could assist to the visit of very private appartement, the court and the army of the emperor or even a ballroom...
It gives you the possibility to see, imagine and even participate to this moment of the french history.

We are happy to suggest you 

 Private minivan tour with



As well as with
It is situated at the South-East of Paris.
They do as well very nice commemoration 
of the century 17 !!!

This incredible private castle will enable you to feel the atmosphere of the art in the century 17th and appreciate an original private tour with your driver guide. It is possible to do it during the morning or the afternoon as well as to do it during a full day integrating the castle of Fontainebleau.